So today we just reviewed again. I’ll almost gave up the essay. I chosen a stand point that really hard find evidence for. But I pulled through I don’t think he’ll like it though. But let’s hope he does.
“All I know how to do is to stay alive” “I think about Nette. dead. She fight” “She run away” “What good it do? I don’t fight I stay where I’m told” “But I’m alive” “I’m a fool” “I’m jealous of you” “Cause you do what I can’t do” “What’s that? She say fight” “I’m so ashamed of myself”
Today we continued with the colour purple and honestly. If she just had good parenting this would have never happened. Like how do get sexually attracted to something that came out of you? Like u seen her at her worst. I don’t get how this man is so horny unless his wife was giving any even before she was pregnant.
I were writing stuff today. I kinda like doing things on illuminate. I wonder if he going to do most our work like that? I wouldn’t be bad at all. I thought i did good on the assignments