

 Welp I’m at a 71 in this class I’m 2 seconds from calling it ggs. But I have one last hope for this blog to bring me back to 72. I promise I would be passing if blogs didn’t exist. I really hope I don’t fail because this would be the first class I’ve failed in very long time. Don’t want that to happen.


 I don’t know what to say about today. It was ok for the most part. I didn’t really do nothing. I’m just ready for school to end. I’m really tired.

Idk at this point

 Bro I swear I’ve been doing my blog but some how I still got a 40. I’ve accepted that imma fail. I have no missing assignments. Just the blogs are killing me. So it’s over gg I’ve lost officially l.

Am I going to fail maybe

 There is a small bit a of hope for my grades. We are doing movie questions. I was interested in the film. But somehow I almost fell asleep. I guess I get tired easily. 


 Today was the test it was boring. Like really boring I could barely stay awake. I fell asleep and woke up only had 10 minutes left. My brain was in shambles. My head was hurting.


 I forgot to do my blog yesterday. Man at least I’ll get a 90. It just popped up in my head randomly. I was just doing a word search. It’s crazy how I remember things too late.